Sell My Building Products Online
By creating a free BuildersHaus vendors account, your product listings are unrestricted and you can grow your business using a suite of powerful tools. We take care of shipment and customer service.
Accessible Tools
Why Sell on BuildersHaus?
As a BuildersHausvendor, you’ll have an incomparable amount of data to assist you in learning and adapting right away. BuildersHaus methodswill help you pinpoint inquiries made for your products, as well as boost your productsales, plus concentrate on high growth goods for the greatest impact.
Use of Established Sales Channel
For more than 15 years, builders, developers, and homeowners keep BuildersHaus as a dependable resource for their home improvement products. By listing your products on BuildersHaus, you will expand your reach to millions of shoppers.
Use of Large Volume of Data to Drive Growth
Use of Strong Supply Chain
Where Do I Start?
As a BuildersHausvendor, you’ll have an incomparable amount of data to assist you in learning and adapting right away.
Product Creation
Shipping and Fulfillment
Sales Funnel Optimization
Questions & Answers

Do I have to pay to list products on BuildersHaus?
Who will deliver my products?
How do I get started selling?
- Create your new vendor account by clicking the button below
- List your products in the vendor portal by product category
- Once launched, use effective vendor tools to increase sales